Sujit K. Ghosh has obtained his Ph.D. (Supervisor: Prof. Parimal K. Bharadwaj) from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2006. He then spent three years at Kyoto University (Japan) as a JSPS and CREST postdoctoral fellow (Host: Prof. Susumu Kitagawa) before joining at IISER Pune in 2009. His research group is mainly working on development and functional studies of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and related advanced porous materials for chemical industry ( e.g. hydrocarbons separation),  clean energy and environmental (safe drinking water) applications.

Academic and Professional Background:

07-08/2023 Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany (AvH visiting fellow)

2020- Professor, IISER Pune

05-07/2019 TUM, Germany (AvH Visiting Fellow)

2009-2020  Assistant  and Associate Professor, IISER Pune

2007-2009  JSPS and CREST PD Fellow, Kyoto University, Japan. (Host: Prof. Susumu Kitagawa)

2006 - PhD in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (Supervisor: Prof. Parimal K. Bharadwaj)

2001 - M.Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry), Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, India

1999 - B.Sc. (Chemistry(H) with Mathematics & Physics), Burdwan University (Ramananda College, Bishnupur, West Bengal, India)


2024: Silver Medal by the Society for Materials Chemistry (SMC), India

2024: Dr. P.N. Pathak Memorial Award by the Association of Separation Scientists and Technologists (ASSET), India. 

2023: "The Distinguished Lectureship Award 2023" by the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) 

2023- Editor: Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 13.3) in the Novel Materials section. 

2023 - Chemistry in India Leader Award by

2023 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (Invited: ‘Leaders in the Field’ scheme.)

2023 Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI)  Bronze Medal

2022- Appeared in the list of World Top 2% scientists  2022-24.

2020- Advisory Board of ChemCommun

2020 Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Medal.

2020- International Advisory Board of ChemPlusChem

2019 India Research Excellence - Citation (Young Researcher) Award  by Clarivate Analytics

2018 Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Germany.

2018 Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Fellowship of AvH foundation, Germany

2017  Avra Young Scientist Award.

2015 -19 Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports. 

2015 IUPAC Travel Award, Busan, Korea for IUPAC-2015.

2013 Alkyl Amines-ICT Foundation Day Young Scientist Award.

2013 INSA Young Scientist Award.

2012 NASI-Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award.

2012-15 Young Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences.

2011 DAE Research Award for Young Scientists.

2009:  Newton International Fellowship, UK. (Offer declined).

2007-09 JSPS Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Japan.

2001-06: Junior and Senior Research Fellowships by CSIR, India